Honor Our North American Bison
Bison once numbered in the tens of millions across the United States, played a central role in defining the economic and physical development of the American West and were integral to the sustenance of Native American life and culture. Bison are a symbol of our nation’s cultural and ecological heritage; a part of today’s physical landscape; and an economic driver for many Americans.
The Texas Bison Association announced its support for the National Bison Legacy Act, a bill (S.3248) that if enacted by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, would designate the North American bison as the National Mammal of the United States.
The National Bison Legacy Act was signed into law by then President Obama on May 9 2016. The first Saturday of November is set as National Bison Day. The Texas Bison Association was pleased to partner with the Texas FFA in sharing the cultural significance of bison with thousands of FFA students and faculty across the Lone Star State.